Management Team

Richard Buckley
B.Eng (Mining)
Chief Operating Officer
A qualified mining engineer, with over 25 years’ experience who specialises in resource evaluation, mine planning and open pit optimisation using state of the art 3D mining software. He has worked on all of Havilah’s projects and is intimately familiar with them. Richard has responsibility and accountability for the technical delivery of Havilah’s advanced mineral projects.

Traviss Just
B.App.Sc, MSc in Geology
Chief Geologist
Traviss has explored in the Curnamona Craton for over 26 years, including with Placer Exploration. For the past 16 years Traviss has been responsible for the design, supervision and conducting of exploration programs for copper and gold for Havilah. He has played a major role in the exploration drilling of the Kalkaroo Cu-Au, North Portia Cu-Au and Portia Au deposits and subsequent resource drilling, geological and resource modelling and documentation for the Kalkaroo feasibility study. He has also been involved in additional engineering, metallurgical and hydrological studies for the Kalkaroo and Portia Mine approvals process (MARP & PEPR) and involvement in the Portia Au mine operation.